Sunday, June 28, 2009


Kisah mandi wajib di entry yang lalu tidak terhenti di situ saje.. Pelbagai persoalan baru yg ditimbulkan oleh Rafeeq , and mostly mmg bersangkut paut dgn segala jawapan & penerangan ummi yg lepas...

Kisahnya bersambung bila Rafeeq baca edisi mastika yg baru.. mmg dia baca from cover to cover.. kalau dpt buku, mmg gitu lah tabiatnya.. suka sangat2... then keep on asking perkara2 yg mmg susah nak jawab..

Rafeeq : Ummi, maksiat tu apa? saya x faham...
Ummi : maksiat tu bila lelaki & perempuan yg belum kahwin duduk berduaan di tempat yg tak ada org lain...
Rafeeq : Kalau naik motor berdua? naik kereta berdua? bukan maksiat ke.. sbb ada je org lalu lalang yg tengok..
Ummi : hmmm.. maksiat jugak la tu..
Rafeeq : x faham la.. tadi ummi kata tadok org tgk maksiat.. skrg ada org tgk pon maksiat jugak ke?
Ummi : Well.. rafeeq kecik lagi.. kena lbh banyak belajar baru la lbh tau.. OK ?
Rafeeq : hmmm.. pening.. pening...

Rafeeq : berzina tu apa?
Ummi : Berzina tu.. bila lelaki & perempuan yg belum berkahwin tidur berdua ...
Rafeeq : Ooooooo...

Terus berlalu & sambung baca.. ummi yg tgh duk sibuk layan facebook tak terfikir nak check topic bacaan dia... Kejap lagi.. dtg lagi dgn soalan yg lbh cepu mas...

Rafeeq : Anak luar nikah tu apa?
Ummi : Anak luar nikah tu ialah anak yg lahir tanpa berkahwin...
Rafeeq : Anak org berzina ker?
Ummi : hmmmm.. ya...
Rafeeq : Tapi macamana boleh ada baby dlm perut dia? Ummi cakap berzina tu tidur berdua je..
Ummi pun tidur berdua dgn walid tapi takdok baby pun.. habis tu ... rasanya bukan salah dia.. sbb Allah yg masukkan baby tu dlm perut dia...
Ummi : ada sebabnya... belajar rajin2, bila besar nanti tau la.. OK?
Rafeeq : hmmm... mmg pening !!!

Hmmmmm... nak buat camane... dah bertahun usia dia, blm ada adik.. so, mmg susah sket nak faham..

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Ptg tadi aku tolong Rafeeq buat revision utk exam KAFA esok.. rasa shock jugak tgk apa yg bdk2 kecik skrg dah start belajar.. hukum2 & cara2 istinjak, jenis2 najis, etc etc etc... mmg jauh lbh advance dari zaman aku kecik2 dulu... tapi satu part yg mmg kelakar.... tiba part perkara2 yg menyebabkan mandi wajib... antaranya keluar mani, haid, nifas, wiladah, persetubuhan.

Rafeeq : Kalau lelaki keluar duit, perempuan keluar kepala... mmg kena mandi wajib !
Ummi : HAHAHAHAHA... lelaki keluar mani (money) ? perempuan keluar haid (head) ?
Rafeeq : Susah la lelaki nak belanja.. kekgi sokmo kena mandi wajib...

Then, Rafeeq tanya lagi...

Rafeeq : Persetubuhan tu macamana, ummi?
Ummi : Persetubuhan tu bila lelaki & perempuan yg dah kawin tidur sama2...
Rafeeq : Ummi setiap hari ke kena mandi wajib?
Ummi : Sebab apa ???????? !!!!! ( confused... lambat pick up.. hehe..)
Rafeeq: Mmg setiap mlm ummi tidur dgn walid.. tapi sbb apa kemaren ummi mandi dok basahkan rambut?? dosa ah ummi sembahyang subuh tapi dok mandi wajib.....
Ummi : Alamak.... ( tak tau nak cover camana.. hikhikhik)
Rafeeq : Kalau nak senang, ummi tidur je kat bilik saya bila malam... dok la kena setiap hari mandi wajib !!! Ataupun saya tidur sama2 kat bilik ummi.. kalau bertiga bukan persetubuhan... ummi cakap kalau tidur berdua je... haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Actually, camana ya nak terangkan pasal persetubuhan tu? Rasanya cukup la sekadar bagitau tidur sama2.. can't explain further la !!! HAHAHA

Thursday, June 4, 2009


My eight-year-old son has had two asthma attacks. The first occurred in 2005, shortly after Rafeeq turned 4. He was warded in ICU for 3 days. It was really a hard time for me & husband. In fact, it was our first experience which had happened to our one and only son.

From thereon, he occasionally faced shortness of breath especially when he was being active. Then, I started to be more concerned about the illness. I started to make series of researches through reading, be it books or internet. I studied that in order to help the lung getting stronger, I should introduce him with sports !!!

If somebody ever ask me...
Can kids with asthma be active in sports?
My answer is definitely YES !!!

You probably know that asthma can cause breathing problems. So can kids with asthma play sports? You bet they can! Being active and playing sports is an especially good idea if you have asthma. Why? Because it can help your lungs get stronger, so they work better.

Some athletes with asthma have done more than develop stronger lungs. They've played professional football and basketball, and they've even won medals at the Olympic Games! Some sports are less likely to bother a person's asthma. Golf and yoga are less likely to trigger flare-ups, and so are sports like baseball, football, and gymnastics.

At first, I introduced Rafeeq with brisk walking, from short distance until considerable long distance like 2km or 3km per walk. At the first instance, he had the problem of shortness of his breath associated with coughing.

We trained him gradually, from walking to jogging, .... (to be continued)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


My husband and son always tell me that I talk in my sleep, nothing specific but about everything.. today, I dozed off about 30 minutes while watching TV with my son.. he asked me to take the badminton racquet which was high on the cupboard but I responded.. " huruf Y sepatutnya kena ada titik..." HAHAHA

on the other example, i told my husband that all the animals are in my class.. " Semua haiwan sedia doh nok belajo kat dalam kelas..." and i will keep on answering unconsciously if he keeps on asking me questions about that.. HAHAHA

this kind of thing always happen to me esp when people ask me something..and i was like halfly awake. To my surprise, I could never aware of what I said & even could not remember anything about it.. hmmm..

what are the symptoms of sleep talking? I also dunno.. it's hard to tell if you've been talking in your own sleep. Usually, people will tell you they've heard you shout out during the night or while you were napping...

Have you been hoping your sleep-talking spouse will spill a long-time secret? Go ahead. Pose a question while he or she is sleeping, and don't be surprised if you get a single syllable answer! But be warned: A sleep talker usually doesn't remember anything that's said during sleep...

As for myself, i have nothing to worry about that. I am always sincere to my beloved husband, never hide anything to his knowledge.. as far as i've been told by my husband & son.. the things I uttered in sleep would normally be funny & something so out of this real world.. HAHAHAHA

Friday, May 29, 2009


It's school holiday now.. I started my 2 weeks holiday today. Starting this Sunday, I will hear the same comment everyday.. from my one and only darling, my dearest hubby. It's typical.. something like.. " Bestnya ummi boleh rilek2.. jelesnya I " or " Oleh kerana ummi cuti.. silakan bertugas".. HAHAHAHA.. what kind of task, huh? Typical as well.. body massage :))

Saturday, May 2, 2009


i cultivated the habit of changing the blog template recently..

and my husband said " asyik duk tuko2 template je.. 'content'nya mana ???

hehehe... I believe he knows his wife very well..

Friday, May 1, 2009


Today, i managed to create 2 blogs.. one for my son and one for me. Rafeeq was really enthusiastic to write on his blog.. He managed to finish a few postings including one of his artworks !

This is the second blog i've ever written.. my first blog was left unwritten for so long.. i left it unsettled as it was created to be abandoned and ignored.. no explanation.. hehe

I used to be active in updating my fotopages and facebook.. most of my FP friends are now gone.. seems like nobody are interested to update that beautiful fotopages... i didn't really make friends through fotopages, but still... i encountered a few good friends there... and yet, i'm not leaving both FP & FB.. i will keep on updating everything i have when time permits...

And recently, i hardly found good times to update my FB.. After ignoring both FP & FB for quite some times.. i'm again in the mood of BLOGGING :))

This is an important moment for me ! Now, i really start blogging.. it's something i've wanted to do for so long.. but i wasn't sure when to do it.. and it's my starting point now !!!